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Frequency Of Numbers Drawn

Hit5  Numbers Drawn Through 10/11/2024

*Since 5/42 matrix implementation on August 31, 2020

By Number

Number Times Drawn*
01 462
02 459
03 460
04 467
05 429
06 442
07 437
08 446
09 422
10 460
11 462
12 443
13 466
14 460
15 438
16 442
17 460
18 452
19 404
20 424
21 487
22 449
23 472
24 432
25 416
26 424
27 446
28 464
29 453
30 451
31 460
32 462
33 467
34 456
35 470
36 430
37 465
38 457
39 404
40 188
41 194
42 168

Frequency Drawn

Number Times Drawn*
21 487
23 472
35 470
04 467
33 467
13 466
37 465
28 464
01 462
32 462
11 462
03 460
14 460
17 460
31 460
10 460
02 459
38 457
34 456
29 453
18 452
30 451
22 449
27 446
08 446
12 443
16 442
06 442
15 438
07 437
24 432
36 430
05 429
20 424
26 424
09 422
25 416
19 404
39 404
41 194
40 188
42 168